Monday, June 9, 2008

Random Irregular (1

Yesterday when I went to the library, I 'planted' my Irregular Note in Kiki Strike:The Empress's Tomb and Ghost Child by Sonia Hartnett.


Irregular Kiki said...

Oh! Oh! I'm going to the library sometime soon because my books are ready for pickup, I checked the website and both Kiki Strike books are checked in so I can put Irregular notes in. I need to ask you, Random Irregular, to check over my note.please

Muslim Irregular said...


Muslim Irregular said...

Irregular Kiki: i'm not sure what happened to your other comment.i published it, but it disapeared.

Random Irregular said...

Today I planted another Irregular note in Maximum Ride:the Angel Experiment by James Patterson and Spy Goddess bk 1 by Michael Spadling.

FN da World Dictator said...

I planted a note in Kiki Strike,
1st book.

Irregular Kiki said...

I want to read Maximum Ride, but I have a whole heap of other books that I still need to read. I am a non-stopable reader.

Irregular Kiki said...

I planted an Irregular note in The Empress's Tomb.